Jackson Symphony Guild


The Jackson Symphony Guild functions exclusively for the benefit of the Jackson Symphony Orchestra.  This dynamic group of volunteer works together to raise funds to support the JSO.   In past years our contributions totaled to 9% of the JSO operating budget.

The Guild is managed by a 25-member volunteer Board of Directors who meet monthly in support of the JSO.  

Funds are raised through membership dues and most significantly, through the Annual Holiday Ball.  In addition to supporting the JSO, we provide scholarships to community youth and young musicians to take lessons at the JSO Community Music School.

Guild members are also active volunteers.  The Holiday Ball provides the greatest opportunity to volunteer whether you like to decorate or can help run the silent auction.  There are many short- and long-term opportunities to get involved.  Volunteers also host concert receptions and plan the Annual Meeting, a fun celebration of our accomplishments.

The Guild isn’t all work.  Guild members enjoy each other’s company while volunteering together and attending JSO concerts.


MAY 13, 2025

You’re invited to join The Guild’s annual dinner and meeting on May 13th at Weatherwax Hall. Doors open at 5:30 pm and program starts at 6:00 pm. JSO and JSG board members attend free of charge, and all others are welcome for $35. Register now!


Since its inception, the Guild has grown in stature and strength. It is recognized throughout the state as one of the most effective musical arts support groups in Michigan and is the envy of many orchestras. Every year, peer-review panels from the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs comment on the impressive role the Guild plays in supporting the JSO and its programs. The Guild is an organization of which we must all be truly proud!

Thank you to all who have worked to make the Jackson Symphony Guild a vital partner of the JSO and a promoter of the music arts in Jackson!


PO Box 602
Jackson, MI 49204

Nineteen hundred and forty-nine not only gave birth to the Jackson Symphony Orchestra but the Women’s Division as well. The Jackson Symphony Guild History starts with its early members, under the leadership of Mrs. Earl Spiesberger, founding president, the Guild enthusiastically supported our Jackson Symphony Orchestra with the pledge to increase ticket sales and assist in promotion. Since that time with twelve in attendance at the first meeting, the Guild has grown to encompass over two hundred in membership.

Through the years the Guild has pioneered “after-glows” in Jackson and exemplified hospitality to traveling musicians with state-wide acclaim. Promotion and fundraising includes Holiday Balls, fashion show luncheons, book sales, Pop concerts, Shopping Days, cookbook sales, flea markets and Jazz Nights, to name a few of the more successful Guild projects. With spirited support, the Guild continues to fulfill its mission: To promote the enjoyment of music through increased support of the Jackson Symphony Orchestra.

The inspiring words of our first president remind us today of the important role we play in our support:

“Munching on the memories of the Jackson Symphony Orchestra makes me realize how fortunate so many of us were to have shared its birth pangs and pride in its maturity. There was no fear, no temerity in trying new things to keep it safe and enhance the public’s interest in what we felt was a giant step in the cultural growth of Jackson. Many men and women worked tirelessly to bring it all about. We now have one of the finer Symphony Orchestras in the state. Let us carry on to keep it safe and beautiful.” -Jenny Spiesberger


Jackie Livesay

Melissa Callison
Vice President

Joan Cummings

Laura Dwyer Schlecte
2025 Ball Chair

Shelby Foster

Marian Bliznik
Corresponding Secretary

Belle Coty
JSO Liason

Matthew Aubin
JSO Music Director

Angela Machnik
Immediate Past President


Briston Bamm

Derek Cornwell

Margaux Dever

Carolyn Fraker

Lisa Freund

Jim Francis

Ellen Hicks

Jen Kinstle

Irene Ellison LeCrone

Robyn McDermaid-Corrin

Cassondra McGinn

Susan Riley

Paul Stark

Andrea Stickney

Marie Vavro

Linda Wray


Pat Beffel Jr.*

Joan Cummings*

Laurie Cunningham

Julie Duesing*

Laura Davenport

Barbara Duke*

Christy Ellis

Debra Fairbanks

Joan French*

Maryanne Fuchs*

Helen Greene*

Joanne Holeman*

Nancy Kyro*

Donna Lake*

Karen Maas*

Heather Matteson

Erin Mazur*

Vickie McFerran*

Karen Moilanen*

Joyce Phelps*

Stefanie Riggs*

Sue Rochester*

Dea Talmage*

Jennifer Timm

Pat Willis*

Deceased: Ken Baxter*, Mary McVicker*, Elayne Eberhart* and Patrice Vermeulen

*Denotes Lifetime Emeritus Status

Committee organizes JSG May annual meeting.


Friendly greeters from the Guild are needed to warmly welcome Jackson Symphony Orchestra concertgoers as they arrive at Jackson College Potter Center.


Explore Guild fundraising opportunities and assist with Holiday Ball solicitations.


Volunteer hosts and hostesses provide lodging, meals and transportation for guest artists and their families as needed.

Members maintain an ongoing photo history of the Guild and JSO events. Looking to make this a digital age volunteer position.


This gala dinner-dance, held on the first Saturday in December, is the Guild’s largest fundraiser. It requires dozens of volunteers to plan the event, mail invitations, contact potential contributors, prepare publicity, obtain silent auction items, set up auction items, put together a program book and decorate for the event.


On the morning of the Holiday Ball, meet at the Country Club to help decorate for the Ball.

Assist in advertising, brochure design and mailings about the Jackson Symphony Guild.


Volunteers with a variety of skills are needed for this very important committee, including people who enjoy preparing printed materials on a computer, talking with potential members, assembling packets of materials, addressing invitations, and helping with mass mailings.


Just want to be called when a need arises? This is for you!

2024 – Nancy Kyro

2023 – Joanne Holman

2022 – Vickie McFerran

2021 – No award given

2020 – No award given

2019 – No award given

2018 – Stefanie Riggs

2017 – Julie Duesing

2016 – Pat Willis

2015 – Ken Baxter

2014 – Joan Cummings

2013 – Donna Lake

2012 – Mary McVicker

2011 – Barbara Duke

2008 – Maryanne Fuchs

2007 – Pat Beffel, Jr.

2006 – Susan Rochester

2005 – Joyce Phelps

2004 – Karen Maas

2003 – Helen Greene

2002 – Linda English

2001 – Viola Main

2000 – Anne Moore

1999 – Mary Spring

1998 – Miriam Walker

1997 – Eva Hamilton

1996 – Harriette Emmet

1995 – Jane Botsford

Current         Jackie Livesay

2021-2023  Angela Machnik

2019-2021  Victoria McFerran

2017-2019  Stefanie Riggs

2015-2017  Julie Duesing

2013-2015  Pat Willis

2011-2013  Donna Lake

2009-2011  Joan Boldrey

2007-2009  Nancy Kyro

2005-2007  Maryanne Fuchs

2003-2005  Susan Rochester

2001-2003  Pat Beffel, Jr.

1999-2001   Natalie Halsey

1998-1999  Linda English

1997-1998  Shirley McCleer

1996-1997  Elayne Eberhart

1994-1996  Anne Moore

1993-1994  Mary Spring

1992-1993   Ann Cross

1990-1992   Christina Medlar

1988-1990   Helen Greene

1986-1988  Connie Surbrook

1985-1986  Harriette Emmet

1983-1985  Miriam Walker

1982-1983  Dorothy Levy

1979-1982  Laura Dixon

1978-1979  Evangeline Mills

1977-1978  Harriette Emmet

1975-1977  Viola Main

1974-1975  Cora Wieder

1972-1974  Evelyn Stolberg

1969-1972  Pamela Pond

1968-1969  Jane Botsford

1965-1968  Carrie H Dickerson

1961-1965  Helena Anderson

1949-1961  Jenny Spiesberger

“I will be happy to share my active JSG years especially the 10 years being chairperson and developing the annual JSO “Family Concerts and Music Fair held at Jackson High School for a few years and then Western High School. Every year concluding with a JSO concert at the High Schools. It brought in 500ish patrons yearly. (I have pictures). I was also President of JSG for my term during that time and served on JSO board.” Nancy Kyro

“Thanks for including the emeritus members in this part of the celebration!
My years with the Guild began about 20 years ago on the golf course playing with Sue Rochester.  She invited me that night to learn more about being a Guild board member. We had just moved to Jackson so I was eager to get involved. 
Fast forward to now. Being a member of the Jackson Symphony Guild  board has been a huge part of my life here in Jackson. It has been amazing to work alongside its members to raise funds for our wonderful orchestra but to also bring music to all of our community .
Highlights for me were attending and working on all the balls and chairing our one and only virtual ball in 2020! Other highlights during my presidency were creating our Music and Memory project along with creating the Mary Spring Scholarship Award. Thanks for the memories!” Julie Duesing

“I was asked to join the JSG board by a former president’s wife of Spring Arbor University.  She said ‘it’s full of amazing people’. I joined and before I attended my first meeting, she and her husband moved.
I staying on the board 15 years, initially serving as chair of hostesses and valets for the Holiday Ball,  as well as helping to plan the Annual Meeting.  I found those roles to provide a birds-eye view of the guests coming and going, and I enjoyed greeting each one to ensure they had a wonderful experience.
My last six years I dove in deep; co-chairing the Holiday Ball ‘Sugar Plum Ball – Dance and Dream’, as well as taking on the six year commitment of VP, President and Past-President.  
My joy in those years is that we worked to utilize the ‘whole board’ in attendance, committee participation and having fun! This ball resulted in an over 40% increase in profits as well as selling out with a waiting list. It was a huge fun success and an amazing team effort! 
The highlight, was working with Maestro Aubin to surprise the audience with a live performance of key Nutcracker songs performed by Ballet Chelsea. The audience was wowed, as you cannot beat the music of the Nutcracker to begin the Holiday season.
I am forever changed by learning to use my own gifts and talents to benefit the arts culture in Jackson County. To do so along side 24 other talented VOLUNTEERS,  provided me with many opportunities to collaborate and grow leadership skills in a culture of excellence. I am grateful for the opportunity.” – Vickie McFerran

“It is am amazing group of people.  I am proud to have been a part of it.” Pat Willis

“In my years of community engagement and volunteering in the Jackson community, the Jackson Symphony Guild has stood out as the epitome of commitment and collaboration. Working alongside this dedicated board has been a privilege, allowing me to contribute to the realization of the Guild’s mission. I take immense pride in our collective achievements, from establishing the Steven Osmond scholarship to launching the transformative Music and Memory program. Beyond these accomplishments, the true treasure lies in the cherished friendships forged through this enriching experience.” Stefanie Riggs

“Days of Old” According to Sue Rochester 1995 – present day

  • In 1995 there were 21 Board Members/majority of Board Members did NOT work outside their homes.
  • Early days of men on the Board in 1995 Jim Beck was on the Board later Ken Baxter  joined the Board.
  • In 1995 and before the Board Meetings were held downtown at the Towne Club, meetings were on Second Thursday of each month. 
  • Until the past few years the Executive Committee met on the Monday evening before the Board Meeting at 7 pm in individual Board Members home. (yes a glass of wine was consume).
  • In the early years Board Members were responsible for making hors d’oeuvres for the “After Glows” after each Symphony. However they were not included unless invited. Guild members also prepared a dinner for the Orchestra members for the last yearly Concert, that was part of an Afterglow. 
  • Later Board Meetings were held at the Country Club of Jackson, still on the second Thursday of each month. The menu was Soup & Salad Buffet, coffee/tea and a cookie for $7.00.
  • For many years our Liaison to the JSO was Mary Spring, who also had been a past President of the Guild. She knew how the Guild worked and was the Development Director of the JSO. Much of the success of the Guild in Fund Raising can be directly related to Mary Spring’s leadership.(Thus the Mary Spring Music Scholarship). 
  • The Guild had a Technology Committee because the JSO needed to update their computer system so that there was one master list of donors. To accomplish this task the Guild donated $10,000. (Ask Joan Cumming about this adventure).
  • The Guild had a Newsletter in the old days thanks to the work of Joyce Phelps. The Newsletter became more technologically advanced as time went on. Thanks to Stephanie Riggs and more recently Angela Machnik for moving the Guild forward to the “modern” age. 
  • Activities: Annual Meeting Luncheon, Jazz Night (first done not to raise money but to introduce a new genre of music with tickets at a more affordable price point.)Family Concert purpose was to introduce kids to music by taking part in various activities. 
  • Later thanks to Julie Duesing and Stephanie Riggs the Guild had a Program called “Music & Memory. Julie also got Guild Members to form a team and take part in the Walk to end Alzheimer’s. One activity incorporated our knowledge that Music was the key to more than just our own enjoyment and the other to build our “team” spirit.  
  • Fund raisers were: Holiday Ball (w/o live auction), Book Sale, Halloween Party and Jewelry Sale at Concerts. 
  • The Holiday Ball was considered the start of the “social season and it was an honor to receive an invitation. The Ball Program would list all those people who attended the Ball or donated to the Ball.  Proofing the Program was a huge deal. Everything had to be spell checked and using proper etiquette.  A Committee of “experts” met at M-R Printing prior to printing of the Program to Proof and make corrections. Later the Ball  became the Guild’s biggest fundraiser to help support the JSO. 
  • The addition of the Live Auction( the expansion of the Auction idea came from Pat Beffel, jr. she got the Live Auction portion started and had a fantastic drawing  of how to set up the Silent Auction room. ) This idea alone increased income. 
  • Holiday Ball Solicitations was a function of the entire Guild Board(when you agreed to be on the Board you knew you were expected to contact ten potential donors at the time of the Ball).
  • Both the Invitations and the Centerpieces for the Ball had to be approved by the entire Board before they were used at the Ball.

The Jackson Symphony Guild Board of Directors is proud to offer the Mary Spring into Music Scholarship Award. The scholarship award will be given in the memory of Mary Spring each year. Since Mary’s legacy was one of achieving excellence in all that she did, we will be giving an annual award to the Community Music School’s most outstanding student in the area of excellence in musical achievement. The award winner will be featured as a soloist each year at our JSG Annual Meeting in May. To donate please call the JSO at 517-782-3221 to pick up a donation envelope. Checks should be made payable to the Jackson Symphony Guild with Mary Spring in the memo portion.

Mary Spring











Maestro Stephen Osmond expertly led the Jackson Symphony Orchestra through 40 seasons and helped create an artistic, musical culture specific to Jackson that will continue for many years to come. This level of commitment and dedication to bringing top-level musical performance and outreach to the Jackson area is the basis of the Jackson Symphony Guild’s Stephen Osmond Scholarship. This tuition award shall be granted to a current CMS student who has already demonstrated clear dedication and commitment to our school and community.

Stephen Osmond









The Jackson Symphony Guild hosts a Holiday Ball every year, and the donations that are solicited through their Fund-a-Need portion of the event are given to their Summer Scholarship.

Students who are continuing their music education through the summer by taking CMS classes, attending festivals, summer camps or other summer music programs are eligible for this scholarship. Those demonstrating a determination to improve and skills with their instrument will be offered funds up to $450.


The Guild is working on raising funds that would help in the purchasing of the devises, headphones and music. For the past two years in August the Jackson Symphony Guild in partnership with the Michigan Theater and Lloyd Ganton Retirement Centers has brought the Jackson community, impactful films that highlight the positive effects music has on those suffering from Alzheimer’s and related dementias. Dan Cohen, founder of the nonprofit organization Music & Memory, has led the fight against a broken healthcare system to demonstrate music’s ability to combat memory loss and restore a deep sense of self to those suffering from it.

For more information, contact the Jackson District Library.

Click here to download the brochure.

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In the past year the Jackson Symphony Guild has had two new community partners join them in this wonderful project. The Jackson District Library filed for and received a grant that has enabled them to hire a social worker to launch the pilot program in which the ipod units are being used in Lloyd Ganton Retirement Centers. And the Jackson Symphony Guild has received a grant from the Great Lakes Hospice Foundation to further the purchase and distribution of the devices.